Computer Science Pathway
According to recent research, by 2024, there will be more than 1 million computing jobs in the U.S., but not enough skilled workers to fill all of the computer science positions. In addition to jobs in the computer science sector positions in every sector of business and industry are becoming more digital, with employers across industries willing to pay big premiums for people with computer and data science skills. Dr. Caitlin McMunn Dooley, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Department of Education, indicated, “We see computer science education as a discipline much like mathematics; we don’t expect everybody to become a mathematician but we all use math in our daily lives. Computer science and computational thinking have to take that level of importance, When I think of literacy, it really is about empowering a person to reach their full potential. If you don’t know how to read and write, you won’t be able to reach your full potential. The same is true these days with computer science. You really have to understand how computers work in order to be able to communicate in this world. We see computer science as an essential literacy.” At Doherty High School we could not agree more and as such we are working to empower the next generation of students with the computational thinking, problem solving and failure tolerance skills they will need in order to complete in a global economy.
Students will have the opportunities to obtain these skills in courses such as: Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Science Essentials, Computer Science Principles, and Computer Science Applications.
In addition to receiving high school credits, students are eligible for articulation and concurrent enrollment credits through the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS). UCCS transcripted credits can be applied, to the completion of a degree at UCCS or any other university that will accept transcripted transfer credits from a Colorado University. “Students who attend Doherty High School need to know that by taking advantage of the concurrent enrollment, duel enrollment and AP courses offered at Doherty it can save them valuable time and money at the university level” said 2017 graduate Kinsey Fisher. Kinsey will graduate from UCCS 2 years after high school graduation thanks to the credits she received.
As a student in Introduction to Computer Science and Computer Science Essentials we will use an award winning curriculum created by the Project Lead the Way organization. Computer Science Essentials will expose students to a diverse set of computational thinking concepts, fundamentals, and tools, allowing them to gain understanding and build confidence. In Computer Science Essentials, students will use visual, block-based programming and seamlessly transition to text-based programming with languages such as Python to create apps and develop websites, and learn how to make computers work together to put their design into practice. They’ll apply computational thinking practices, build their vocabulary, and collaborate just as computing professionals do to create products that address topics and problems important to them.
As a student in Computer Science Principles, students develop programming expertise and explore the workings of the Internet. Projects and problems include app development, visualization of data, cybersecurity, and simulation. PLTW is recognized by the College Board as an endorsed provider of curriculum and professional development for AP® Computer Science Principles (AP CSP). This endorsement affirms that all components of PLTW CSP’s offerings are aligned to the AP Curriculum Framework standards and the AP CSP assessment.
As a student in Computer Science Applications, students will direct their focus on further developing computational-thinking skills through the medium of Android™ App development for mobile platforms. The course utilizes industry-standard tools such as Android Studio, Java™ programming language, XML, and device emulators. Students collaborate to create original solutions to problems of their own choosing by designing and implementing user interfaces and Web-based databases. This course aligns with the AP CS A course.
As well as being exposed to these highly demanding and competitive fields in the classroom, students will have co-curricular opportunities to apply their newly obtained skills. Student involved in these programs will have an opportunity to participate in nationally recognized Career and Technical Student Organization: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. DECA a robust organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. The 2014-2015 Doherty High School FBLA president shared that, “Opportunities in FBLA provided life changing experiences” and the 2017-2018 FBLA president shared that “FBLA helped me find my passion for creating”.
Business Department Courses
Mrs. Charmyn Neumeyer
Business Education, Department Chair
Mrs. Neumeyer joined the DHS staff in 2001. She has taught at the college level for 12 years and K-12 for 25. She has 30 years of experience in the agriculture and small business side of business, finances, and leadership. Mrs. Neumeyer and her family are also small business owner/operators. In her time at DHS Mrs. Neumeyer has taught Computer Science, Business & Marketing, Accounting, Computer Applications for Business, Social Impact in Business and Language Arts. Mrs. Neumeyer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics and a Master of Arts in Career and Technology Education.
Mr. Andrew Schafer
Mr. Schafer has been teaching for 28 years. Most of which has been teaching some kind of Technology course. Since being in D11 the past 9 years, he has taught Computer Applications, Game Programming, Computer Science and Intro to Programming/Computer Science. He has his Bachelor of Science Degree from Valley City State University in Business Education and Physical Education and a Master of Education in Educational Administration from North Dakota State University.