Automotive Pathway
TheĀ Automotive Pathway at Doherty High School offers students an opportunity to acquire marketable job skills, occupational knowledge and positive attitudes for entering the world of work and/or entering into postsecondary study in the field of automotive repair. In order to provide these opportunities, a variety of skill training classes are offered. Programs are kept current based on feasibility studies and direct input from advisory boards representing the automotive industry right here in Colorado Springs.
Courses teach workplace basics necessary to succeed in any occupation or career (such as critical thinking, practical application, teamwork, and problem solving) all while learning industry standard automotive repair practices. Students are taught to conduct themselves in a manner expected of an employee by an employer. Students are guided through the process of creating a purpose, focus, and direction for their future. These offerings allow students to develop a belief in the dignity of work, pride of accomplishment, a strong work ethic, and a desire to learn. Career and technical education produces students with transferable skills for occupations requiring continuous upgrading. Career and technical education recognizes the need to emphasize both the academic and occupational components of the educational process and strives to maintain a positive relationship with the core teachers, thus assisting in the development of the whole student.