- Academic Support
- Career & Technical Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Navy Junior ROTC
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education and Health
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Visual Arts
- World Languages
Academic Support
We believe that all students can succeed with the proper support at the high school level. Throughout all high school years, all 9th-12 grade students receive options for credit recovery, English language acquisition support, Special Education services, and after school and Saturday School tutoring.
Doherty High School offers freshman an extra layer of academic enhancement that encompasses both skill development, assignment completion, and work-habit mentoring. We emphasize a team-approach, including the student, family, classroom teachers, trained peer tutors, Math and Writing Center Director and Study Skills Coaches. Our emphasis lies in teaching students to become their first and best self-advocate for their own success.
Spartan Center
The Spartan Center supports students in reaching academic goals and promotes independent learning through work habit development. The Spartan Center offers mandatory and optional pull-outs into the Math and Writing Centers where students work with trained peer tutors in small group and individual settings.
Writing Center
The Writing Center uses trained Peer Tutors to support 9th grade students in skill development and assignment completion within their English Classes. The center is mandatory for students who struggle in finishing their assignments and is optional for students who may desire to work with a peer tutor in writing, editing, reading comprehension, or competing class work. The Writing Center is staffed with a certified, full-time teacher who trains Peer Tutors in developing students' reading, writing, researching, communicating, and organizational skills. The director also keeps track of 9th grade student data and oversees the day-to-day administration of the center.
English Language Learners
ELL services are provided to those students who qualify. ELL certified staff work with all levels of ELL students to help them reach their academic English Language standards. These ELL English classes replace regular English classes. The ELL teacher also coordinates a class that helps students strengthen their work habits in their other academic classes. The ELL teacher works with the students and teachers to make the work accessible to ELL students while they are learning to speak, listen, read, and write in English.
Math Center
The Math Center uses trained Peer Tutors to support 9th grade students in skill development and class assignments. The center is mandatory for students who struggle with their assignments and/or tests and quizzes (below 70%) and is optional for students who may desire to work with a peer tutor in completing class work. The Math Center is staffed with a certified, full-time math teacher who trains Peer Tutors in developing students' math skills. The director tutors students while keeping track of 9th grade student data and oversees the day-to-day administration of the center.
Connexus is an online program designed to help students catch-up academically and recover the credits that they need to be successful. Students are expected to come to class ready to learn and take notes on their subject. All courses must be completed at a minimum of 80% to count. Grades for this course do not appear in Q; so, if at any time you would like to know your student’s progress in the course that he or she is taking, please feel free to contact their teacher.
(formerly Saturday Academic Enhancement)
DASH Instagram Post Spring 2025 by Heather McGrath
Career & Technical Education
Career and Technical Education offers an opportunity to acquire marketable job skills, occupational knowledge and positive attitudes towards entering the world of work and/or entering into post-secondary studies. In order to provide these opportunities, a variety of skill training classes are offered. These offerings allow students to develop a belief in the dignity of work, pride of accomplishment, a strong work ethic, and a desire to learn.
Career and technical education produces students with transferable skills for occupations requiring continuous upgrading. Career and technical education recognizes the need for emphasizing both the academic and occupational components of the educational process and strives to maintain a positive relationship with the core class teachers thus assisting in the development of the whole student.
Programs are kept current based on feasibility studies and direct input from area advisory boards representing business and industry. Courses teach workplace basics necessary to succeed in any occupation or career (such as critical thinking, practical application, teamwork, and problem solving). Students are taught to conduct themselves in a manner expected of an employee by an employer. Students are guided and directed through the process of creating a purpose, focus, and direction for their future.
English Department
As we have more access to new information, we will be challenged to sort out what’s relevant, decide how it will impact our lives, and take advantage of the many opportunities to interact with, challenge, and change the world around us. Throughout your journey in the English Department, you will work to deeply understand and connect with multiple genres of text. You will be able to express yourself and your learning through the cyclical process of envisioning, planning, creating, and revising. You will learn to understand the needs of any given audience and be given the skills to stand in front of an audience and deliver a well-prepared, meaningful, and engaging speech. Because technology has a major part of nearly every career path, you will learn to utilize digital tools to experience, analyze, and explore different ways to create new content. Your journey will take you from the beginnings of English literature through American and British literary eras, to being immersed in contemporary works. You will also learn to navigate through many modes of communication, from short stories to drama and from film to art.
The Doherty English Department is in the process of implementing the College Board ELA Standards to ensure every student in an English class will experience a high level of rigor and opportunities to push their learning to the next level. With the College Board standards and curriculum in place, students have access and preparation not only for Advanced Placement courses but also for high performance on the SAT. Doherty graduates will be college and work-force ready with a full arsenal of communication and critical thinking skills that will lead to a habit of success.
Course Offerings and Pathways
- Pre-AP English 1/2 - Full Year (Freshmen)
- Pre-AP English 3/4 - Full Year (Sophomores)
- English 5/6 – Full Year (Junior)
- English 7/8 – Full Year (Senior)
- English 7/8H – Full Year (Senior Honors)
- Pre-AP English 1/2H - Full Year (Freshmen Honors)
- Pre-AP English 3/4H - Full Year (Sophomore Honors)
- AP Language and Composition (Junior)
- AP Literature and Composition (Senior)
- Yearbook – Full Year (Sophomore & up)
Highlights - Opportunities - Benefits
College Credit available for some classes through CSU-Pueblo Opportunities to perform original work and compete Advance Placement Testing (AP) available in some classes.
Math Department
Doherty mathematical courses conform to the latest recommendation of the Colorado Academic Standards, which require a synergy between mathematical content and mathematical practices. The primary goals of the Mathematics Program is to learn, communicate, and reason mathematically, thereby enabling students to become confident mathematical problem solvers.
The courses follow the approach of making mathematics relevant by using math skills in a problem-solving environment. All students’ mathematical learning will embody the concepts that engagement in mathematics is essential, and that decision-making, risk-taking, cooperative work, perseverance, self-assessment, and self-confidence are frequently keys to success.
Doherty’s Math Department offers a wide range of classes including Pre-AP Algebra 1/2, Pre-AP Geometry and Algebra 3/4. In addition, there are several electives to choose from including Math Analysis and Trigonometry (MA Trig), Functions Statistics and Trigonometry (FST), Statistics and Consumer Math. Additionally, Doherty offers dual-enrollment opportunities in Precalculus, AP Statistics, AP Calculus, and AP Calculus II/III.
Course Offerings
- PreAlgebra / Algebra 1 – Full Year (9)
- Pre-AP Honors Algebra 1, 2-Full Year (9)
- Pre-AP Honors Geometry-Full Year (9-10)
- Pre-AP Algebra 1, 2-Full Year (9-10)
- Honors Algebra 3, 4-Full Year (9-11)
- Algebra 2A, 2B-Full Year (10-11)
- Pre-Calculus-Full Year (10-12)
- Pre-AP Geometry-Full Year (10-11)
- Functions/Stats/Trig-Full Year (11-12)
- Math Analysis/Trig-Full Year (11-12)
- Statistics-Full Year (12)
- AP Statistics-Full Year (11-12)
- Integrated Algebra/Geometry-Full Year (10-11)
- AP Calculus AB-Full Year (11-12)
- Algebra 3, 4-Full Year (11-12)
- AP Calculus III-Full Year (12)
- Consumer Math-Full year (12)
Highlights - Opportunities - Benefits
College Credit available for some classes through UCCS
Advanced Placement Testing (AP) available in some classes
Mathematics competitions available through the Mathletes Club
Navy Junior ROTC
Want advanced military promotion or an appointment to a Service Academy? Doherty High School has a unique program that can significantly enhance your future high schoolers’ experience and post-high school career opportunities: The Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (Navy JROTC). The Navy JROTC’s accredited curriculum emphasizes discipline, citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation, and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by extra-curricular activities of community service, academic, athletic armed drill competitions, field meets, visits to colleges or other activities, marksmanship, and physical fitness training.
If you want more discipline, better grades, better attendance from your child and overall leadership opportunities, Navy JROTC is right for you.
If going to a service academy like the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy or West Point is in your child’s future, then taking Navy JROTC is a stepping stone to achieving this goal. Doherty Navy JROTC has 3 nominations to the Naval Academy every year.
Receiving a college ROTC scholarship is significantly enhanced by taking JROTC in high school. It doesn’t matter which service is chosen when applying for a ROTC scholarship, taking Navy JROTC will raise your odds.
Upon graduation from boot camp, they will be eligible for advanced promotion up to E3. Normal entry into the military is at the E1 level. This is almost a $400 dollar pay raise, just for taking JROTC in high school. THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO JOIN DOHERTY NAVY JROTC.
We provide all uniforms, dress shoes, and physical training T-shirts FREE of charge.
We also have a competition drill team that competes against other JROTC units.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts Department
Students at Doherty High School are immersed in a curriculum that prepares them for meaningful lives in instrumental music, vocal music, and theatre. Students throughout Doherty, regardless of classes, are invited to participate in stage productions, live music ensembles, and a wide range of courses exploring the vitality of the performing arts.
Course Offerings and Pathways
- Concert Band – Full Year (9-12)
- Symphonic Band – Auditioned - Full Year (9-12)
- Wind Ensemble – Auditioned – Full Year (9-12)
- Marching Band – Fall sem. (9-12)
- Jazz Band – Auditioned – Full Year (9-12)
- Concert Choir – Full Year – (9-12)
- Men’s Choir – Full Year – Auditioned (9-12)
- Eclectic (Adv. Women’s) – Aud. – Full Year (9-12)
- Odyssey – Auditioned – Full Year (9-12)
- Momentum (Show Choir) – Aud. – Full Year (9-12)
- Intro to Theatre 1/2 - Full Year – (9-12)
- Acting Techniques 1/2 – Full Year – (10-12)
- Acting Techniques 3/4 – Aud. – Full Year (11-12)
- Theatre Workshop – Full Year – (9-12)
- Stage Craft – Aud. – Full Year – (10-12)
- Symphonic Orchestra Full Year – (9-12)
- Chamber Orchestra – Aud. – Full Year (9-12)
Highlights and Opportunities
- Geared Individualized Instruction
- Well-Rounded Education
- Conferences/Conventions
- Local/State Honor Groups
- Competitive Performances
- Local Trips
- State/National Trips
- International Trips
Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
The graduation requirement for Physical Education is three semester credits, inclusive to grades 9-12. The sequential program is based on the assumption that one semester will be attained at the ninth grade level.
The Health course will influence attitudes toward health, which will promote respect for the human mind and body including factors which foster optimum healthful living. Good health shall be defined as mental, social and physical well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and sickness. Emphasis will be placed on developing self-esteem and positive intra-personal relationships. Students will also learn the benefits of Fitness and Nutrition. The students will be encouraged to explore the emerging health information and develop the ability to weigh the validity of such information for application to their existing health status.
Course Offerings
- Health is a ONE SEMESTER CLASS (10-12th Grades)
- Mental/ Emotional Health - Suicide Prevention & Awareness
- Human Sexuality/ Reproduction
- Fitness and Nutrition
- Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
- Physical Education 9 (9-12)
- Physical Education 10 (10-12)
- Lifeguarding (10-12)
- Weight Training for Athletic Performance (10-12)
- Rocky Mountain High (11-12)
- Introduction to Athletic Weights (Must have varsity coach prior approval.
Highlights - Opportunities - Benefits
- Students will have ONLINE access to the textbook for extra study and review topics
- Easier to make up missed classwork and projects
- Brand New Facilities Spring 2020: Main Gymnasium, Weight Rooms, Wrestling Room, Indoor Climbing Wall and High Climbing Elements
- Learn the benefits of physical activity
- Be a lifelong learner of exercise
- Access to swimming pool with THREE certified WSI instructors
- Build your self-confidence and self –esteem
The Science Department at Doherty High School is dedicated to providing learning opportunities that are designed to allow students to develop scientific literacy and problem solving skills through the process of inquiry. Emphasis is placed on the process of science so that students can discover, interpret and apply scientific knowledge. Hands-on experiences during laboratory investigations provide opportunities to observe, formulate and test hypotheses, and develop scientific reasoning and inquiry skills as a way to understand and solve problems.
Students use technology and work cooperatively to develop attitudes and interests towards the goal of becoming lifelong learners in a global environment and productive members of society. Doherty’s Science Department offers a wide range of classes in traditional content areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science and Physics and a range of electives in the areas of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Oceanography, Environmental Science, and several Advanced Placement opportunities like AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics and AP Environmental Science. The Science Department seeks to provide opportunities to students who are interested in pursuing Science Careers, and those opportunities are formulated in their three years of science courses; one year of Biology, one year of a physical science, and students can choose a science course to suit their interest for their third year.
Course Offerings
- Biology - Pre-AP, Honors Pre-AP, AP
- Chemistry - Pre-AP, Honors Pre-AP, AP
- Physics - Regular, Honors, AP
- Environmental Science - Regular, AP
- Oceanography
- Anatomy and Physiology – Regular, Honors
- Physical/Earth/Space (by administrative placement only)
Science Olympiad
Doherty Field Studies
Aerospace Club
Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies provides a variety of levels and a diversity of opportunities for students to develop a deeper understanding of the complex and rich history of the United States, as well as the civic responsibilities and workings of the United States Government. In addition, students learn the valuable lessons of economics to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex world. As freshmen, students explore the history of Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America through the Pre-AP World History and Geography. This is an excellent introduction to our Social Studies program and provides students with the skills to take any class offered in Social Studies. The Social Studies Department also offers a wide range of electives. The Psychology and Sociology classes allow students an opportunity to research the human mind and human behavior. Current Events and Criminal Law present the possibility of deeply investigating the events that shape our world today and the laws that govern our interactions. Also, the Social Studies department offers a unique chance to study the judicial system through the Mock Trial program. Finally, the Social Studies departments create the opportunity for students to choose the level that fits their interests and skills by providing multiple Advanced Placement classes that present the chance to gain valuable critical thinking development and the chance to gain college credit. In addition, the Pre-AP program will prepare students to enter the AP classes with the skills to challenge themselves and attain greater success.
Course Offerings
- Honors Pre-AP World History & Geography (9th Grade)
- Pre-AP World History & Geography (9th Grade)
- AP World History (9th – 12th Grade)
- AP US History (10th Grade) • Honors US History (10th Grade)
- US History (10th Grade)
- Mock Trial (9th - 12th Grade)
- AP US Government (11th Grade)
- US Government (11th Grade)
- AP European History (11th & 12th Grade)
- Current Events (11th & 12th Grade)
- Criminal Law (11th & 12th Grade)
- AP Psychology (11th & 12th Grade)
- Psychology (11th & 12th Grade)
- Sociology (11th & 12th Grade)
- AP Micro/Macro Economics (12th Grade)
- Principles of Economics (12th Grade)
- Economics (12th Grade)
Special Education
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
“People have been using art to record events, express thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, since the very beginning. Art has been intertwined with our existence from Paleolithic cave drawings in Lascaux, France to the early tools and pottery of native peoples, to the pyramids in Egypt, and later to the rise of fine arts in the Western world. It’s how humans have communicated, celebrated, recorded and described our lives since the dawn of time. Elliot Eisner states “The arts help children learn to say what cannot be said” in his list of “10 Lessons the Arts Teach”. Art is a language and form of communication that humans have used throughout history. In addition, the fact that humans have instinctively used art as a form of communication and creative expression speaks volumes about its importance in the world. Furthermore, it is no coincidence that our greatest innovators and scientists were gifted in the arts. Cultivating creativity in today’s public schools ensures the next generation will have the skills needed to solve the problems and think up creative innovations in the 21st Century. Therefore, it only makes sense that we include art education in public schools.” ---Hilary Frambes.
Course Offerings
- Intro to Visual Art (prerequisite for upper level classes)
- Ceramics 1, 2, 3
- Digital Art
- Digital Photography 1, 2
- Drawing 1, 2, 3
- Jewelry Making
- Painting 1, 2, 3
- Advanced Placement Studio Art 11-12
Highlights - Opportunities - Benefits
All classes are one semester, except for Advanced Placement that is one/two school years. Students have the option to compete in several juried and open art shows during the year.
World Languages
World Languages Department
How many of you are already planning your future careers? Your knowledge of other languages will make you a valuable candidate for careers abroad as well as in the United States. Employers in today’s global economy look for workers who know different languages and understand other cultures.
As a Doherty High School world language student, you will be prepared to operate and communicate well in a rapidly evolving global economy. Knowing a world language can many times help doctors, nurses, social workers, hotel managers, journalists, businesspeople, pilots, flight attendants, and many other kinds of professionals do their jobs well. The National Research Council states that knowledge of a world language facilitates travel, enhances career opportunities, and enables one to learn more about different peoples and cultures.
Doherty High School world language students are able to communicate and collaborate effectively, innovate, and think critically. Students will learn what it means to be a global citizen by demonstrating character and resourcefulness. World languages prepare students to be competitive participants in our global economy with analytical skills, technical skills, reading and writing skills, computational skills and core knowledge and expertise.
Course Offerings and Pathways
- 1/2 (First year)—Full Year (9-12)
- 3/4 (Second year)—Full Year (9-12)
- 5/6 (Third year)—Full Year (10-12)
- 7/8 (Fourth year)—Full Year (11-12)
- Advanced Placement—(11-12)
- Spanish for Profiency (First and Second year)
- Business
- Diplomacy / Public Relations
- Engineering / Software Design / IT
- Fashion
- Finance / Banking
- Interpretation / Translation
- Journalism / Telecommunications
- Medical
- Education
- Travel / Tourism
Highlights - Opportunities - Benefits
Travel Opportunity
College Credit available for some classes through UCCS & PPCC
Leadership Opportunities Available in Student Organizations: Spanish, French, and German club
Exchange opportunities available!