Navy Junior ROTC
Want advanced military promotion or an appointment to a Service Academy? Doherty High School has a unique program that can significantly enhance your future high schoolers’ experience and post-high school career opportunities: The Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (Navy JROTC). The Navy JROTC’s accredited curriculum emphasizes discipline, citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation, and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by extra-curricular activities of community service, academic, athletic armed drill competitions, field meets, visits to colleges or other activities, marksmanship, and physical fitness training.
If you want more discipline, better grades, better attendance from your child and overall leadership opportunities, Navy JROTC is right for you.
If going to a service academy like the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy or West Point is in your child’s future, then taking Navy JROTC is a stepping stone to achieving this goal. Doherty Navy JROTC has 3 nominations to the Naval Academy every year.
Receiving a college ROTC scholarship is significantly enhanced by taking JROTC in high school. It doesn’t matter which service is chosen when applying for a ROTC scholarship, taking Navy JROTC will raise your odds.
Upon graduation from boot camp, they will be eligible for advanced promotion up to E3. Normal entry into the military is at the E1 level. This is almost a $400 dollar pay raise, just for taking JROTC in high school. THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO JOIN DOHERTY NAVY JROTC.
We provide all uniforms, dress shoes, and physical training T-shirts FREE of charge.
We also have a competition drill team that competes against other JROTC units.