What is Media Arts?
Doherty's student-run publication classes offer real-life, hands-on publishing experience. Students use industry-standard programs and technology to prepare them for jobs in related fields. Publications classes include Digital Photography, Journalism, and Yearbook.
These classes satisfy the PWR credit. Students can also elect to be part of the Publications CTSO group, an advisory group that helps decide how to further the programs, spend allocated funds, and select which contests to enter. Participation is meant to enhance student academic and technical competencies and develop leadership and communication skills. All students who participate are a part of CSMA, the Colorado Student Media Association.
Digital Photography
In order to be eligible for this course, students must complete Intro to Art or have an instructor's consent. This will be a demanding and comprehensive art credit. Adobe certifications and an opportunity to earn concurrent enrollment credit through Pikes Peak State College are options for students who are highly motivated or enroll in more than one semester.
These courses are open to all students. We publish the online newspaper, TheSpartan.org, and a one-page print publication, Stall Talk. Each student is required to complete at least one assignment each deadline. Students choose the stories or photography or videography projects they want to work on.
Students interested in being in the Doherty Yearbook class must apply to be on the staff, and students are responsible for covering all of the major events and activities. Through stories and photography, this select group finds a way of capturing the important story of the year.
By being a part of these CTE courses, we hope students are empowered to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society. Our students develop practical knowledge as they master a complex set of essential skills and knowledge needed for jobs in related careers. Communication, project management, and journalistic writing are all practiced. Industry-relevant technical skills are developed, especially for students who wish to pursue career pathways in the areas of Journalism, Photography, and Graphic Design. By completing any four CTE pathway courses from any of our CTE offerings, students will be earning a special cord that will showcase their accomplishments at graduation.