ACE Pathway
ACE (Alternative Cooperative Education)
Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) Career & Technical Education (CTE) is a multi-occupational pathway that facilitates individualized, developmentally appropriate programming necessary to support CTE students successfully. This includes students identified as Special Populations.
ACE is a work experience program that teaches and provides opportunities to practice skills that will allow each student to become as successful and independent as possible.
ACE Career Development and Financial Literacy provide students at Doherty the opportunity to participate in classroom and community Work-Based Learning experiences.
Students are members of the Successful Career Students of Colorado CTSO. The class also runs a student-led enterprise. We are the proud operators of DoherTEA and Coffee House.
Areas of instruction include academic, daily living skills, communication, goal setting, career planning and personal/social development. Occupationally, the program assists students in developing positive job-seeking attitudes and skills, leading to job acquisition, maintenance and retention.
ACE Teacher
Mr. Michael Torrey